Ultimovacs ASA – Annual General Meeting held on 20 April 2023

Oslo, 20 April 2023: Ultimovacs ASA held its annual general meeting today 20 April 2023. All the matters on the agenda were approved.
All board members were re-elected for a period of one year, and the Board of Directors will continue to consist of the following persons:
- Jónas Einarsson, Chair of the Board
- Kari Grønås, board member
- Eva S. Dugstad, board member
- Leiv Askvig, board member
- Ketil Fjerdingen, board member
- Henrik Schüssler, board member
- Aitana Peire, board member
- Haakon Stenrød, board member
The Nomination Committee is unchanged up until the Annual General Meeting in 2025, and the Nomination Committee will continue to consist of the following persons:
- Ole Kristian Hjelstuen, Chair of the committee
- Hans Peter Bøhn
- Jakob Iqbal
The minutes from the meeting are enclosed and available at the company’s website.
For further information, please see www.ultimovacs.com or contact:
Jónas Einarsson, Chair of the Board of Directors of Ultimovacs ASA
Email: je@radforsk.no
Phone: +47 480 96 355
Carlos de Sousa, CEO
Email: carlos.desousa@ultimovacs.com
Phone: +47 908 92507
Anne Worsøe, Head of IR & Communication
Email: anne.worsoe@ultimovacs.com
Phone: +47 906 86815