Options for Management of Dedicated Devices: How To Weigh the Costs and Benefits for the Best Investment

By Nadav Avni, CMO of Radix Technologies

Nadav Avni

What would companies do without dedicated devices? Also known as COSU (corporate-owned, single-use) devices, these powerful smart machines devote themselves to a single assigned task. Think point-of-sale (POS) systems or automated teller machines (ATM). Other examples you might come across daily include airport check-in terminals, touchscreen menus, information kiosks, digital billboards, and hospital patient monitors. 

These devices might serve a single purpose, but beneath the casing, they’re powerful computers that can perform multiple tasks. Such capabilities can tempt workers to try to use COSU devices like tablets to, say, check emails, stream movies, or play games. It’s easy to see how keeping dedicated devices focused on their only job can be a daunting task. 

Thankfully, a dedicated device manager solves these challenges. It helps manage, maintain, and secure devices to prevent them from straying from their designated tasks. Device management platforms can also ensure all devices in the corporate fleet run updated software and firmware versions. What’s more, device managers are invaluable when it comes to managing access permissions and assigning user levels. They can even help secure devices when unauthorized parties try to log in and copy files or modify the system settings. 

Of course, dedicated devices and management platforms can both be a significant investment. Let’s explore the considerations and features that are most beneficial so you can make an informed decision about which management platform is right for your business.

Top Considerations and Non-Negotiables for Managing Dedicated Devices

It’s important to know that not all device management software is equal. Some may feature a lot of bells and whistles but have trouble fulfilling primary objectives. Others will have limited features that provide basic services and not much else. 

However, savvy corporate IT administrators intent on protecting their dedicated device investments know that having the right device manager is the key. Before you invest in a management platform, make sure these must-have features come with it.

Remote wireless connectivity should be the first thing IT managers should look for when they shop for the right device manager. A corporate fleet can have hundreds or even thousands of dedicated devices. It can take a lot of time and resources to perform simple fixes or update the software on each device manually. 

A device manager that runs on dedicated cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) should be the starting point for any negotiations. The cloud connection enables it to quickly and remotely install software and updates on all devices. Even better, admins can perform these tasks on a single device, selected units, or across the entire fleet. 

Another non-negotiable consideration for a device manager is machine independence. The right management software should be device-agnostic. It should be able to connect to and manage devices regardless of brand or operating system. After all, the purpose of a device manager is to oversee all corporate devices. 

This is critical, as digital devices are the backbone of every organization’s operations. A device-agnostic manager means companies can add more devices without worrying about integration and connectivity issues. 

Nice-to-Have Capabilities

With the necessities out of the way, you can start to consider what other features would be useful in a dedicated devices manager. For instance, the ideal device management platform should be able to manage user permissions and determine who can access what. 

Take an interactive flat panel, such as a touchscreen map. End users only need the ability to find their destination on the map. However, your marketing managers and building supervisors will want to collect data and reports on the use of the device. Similarly, IT staff will need access to the operating system to perform management and maintenance services. The ideal device manager not only manages user permissions but also keeps track of each user’s assigned access levels. 

In addition, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) equipment continue to rise in popularity. However, their current high prices mean the majority of their customers are corporate users. The ability to handle VR and AR devices as easily as other dedicated devices is a great feature to have in a device manager. If nothing else, this future-proofs any investment in device management. 

Best-in-Class Security Features

When choosing the right device management software, security is of paramount consideration. Despite their singular purpose, dedicated devices often contain private user data that many hackers and cybercriminals would like to access. This is especially true for devices that handle financial and medical information and student data records. 

Look for a device manager with robust security features to prevent incidences of data theft. Admins should be able to remotely detect attempts to log in with suspicious credentials and immediately deny access. They also need the ability to freeze or shut down devices when an unauthorized login attempt becomes successful. In case of emergency, admins should have the power to wipe all data contained in the devices. 

Speaking of data privacy, the best device managers should align with applicable data privacy laws. The use of the software should comply with various data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), and other local privacy laws. 

Dedicated Devices Need a Dedicated Device Manager 

The right device management platform only needs to accomplish a single objective when it manages dedicated devices. It should make sure that each digital device remains dedicated to its singular task and nothing else. In a way, device managers become dedicated devices themselves as they focus on managing, maintaining, and securing the corporate fleet. 

Companies that want a faster return on investment on their dedicated devices should seriously consider investing in reliable device management platforms. This small addition can go a long way in keeping individual units connected to the network and working properly. 

The entire fleet can be updated remotely in just a few clicks, so your organization can rest assured that your devices are safe and secure. The right device manager also adds protection by controlling what information users can access and preventing data privacy violations from occurring.

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